Juvenile Form Juvenile Form 5899 Preston Rd, Suite 101, Frisco, Texas 75034.office: 972-370-5060 Date 2025-02-06 Client Information Form (Juvenile) First Name: * Last Name: * Family Name: * Date of Birth * Current Age * SSN# * DL# * Current Address: * City: * State: * Zip: * County: * Telephone: Home * Cell * Email * Place of Employment: * Work Telephone: * Place of Birth: * Are you a US Citizen? * Please SelectYESNO Educational Background * (GED, High School, College, Trade School): Served in the Armed Forces? Please SelectYESNO Married?* Please SelectYESNO If you have children, how many? Whom do they live with? Are you currently on any medications? Please explain: Have you ever received mental health or substance abuse counseling? TICKET / CHARGE / CITATION / INDICTMENT / COMPLAINT INFORMATION: Name of Agency: Booking #: Jurisdiction (Municipal, County Court, District Court): Are you arrested? Please SelectYESNO Date of your arrest: Time of your arrest: Location of your arrest: City: State: Zip: County: Individuals present at the time of your arrest: Do you have a court date? When? Have you already seen a Judge? When? Did you post bond? Please SelectYESNO How much? List any special conditions on bond: Briefly list the facts of your case: Please list ANY RELEVANT INFORMATION TO YOUR CASE – Such as, but not limited to, important witnesses, alibi information, significant documents, and other parties involved: Do you have any other criminal matters pending? If so, please list the name of the court, jurisdiction, case numbers and charges: PRIOR CONVICTIONS / PRIOR ARRESTS Are you currently on probation or parole? If so, please explain: HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT OUR PRACTICE? Are you currently on probation or parole? If so, please explain: Internet search/magazine/yellow pages/local directory/referred (if you were referred please indicate by whom) What school district is the child in? Is the child in special education? Has the child been diagnosed with any psychological or educational issues? Has the child ever been arrested before? Does the child live in a 2 parent household? Has the child been arrested for the court case? Has the child had a first court date? Here are the additional questions for the Juvenile form.